There're so many versions of Triumph out there. This post is the result of a debate sparked off on the SMC forums. I personally feel that the less moves there are in an effect like that, the more magical the impact is - there is no need to overprove anything if the conviction of the audience is already high. Daryl's triumph display is already one of the most convincing displays ever devised for Vernon's Triumph effect.
This addition is nothing more than another frill - if it came down to pure technique in a Triumph routine, I still won't use an in the face cull for obvious reasons. Most technicians have their own methods of accomplishing the same thing; I just happen to like this method. Mind you - it's a poor effect; I think the best Triumph I have ever witnessed is still the original version by Vernon as detailed in "STARS OF MAGIC" with the Daryl display added in for good measure. Nothing else comes close to being as magical; more technical maybe, but hardly more magical.