Deal yourself in!

The card table beckons - buy in; sit pat; the next deal's about to begin.

The money's just a way of keeping score. The thrill is in making the hazard; beating the odds - nay: making the odds! The accomplished mechanic laughs in the face of lady luck - he makes his own luck; he controls the game.

A professional gambler never gambles.

Welcome to my world.

Do drop me an email or message if you wish to get in touch!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Convincers for Suspcious Skeptics?

A convincer is a very powerful tool when deployed at the right time. Exactly as the name suggests, it is a move that is used to 'prove' or convince the audience that you did what you said. It is handled in an almost offhand, accidental manner and as such dispels the suspicions of even the most tenacious of audiences. It's strength lies in the disarming demeanor in its execution. This leaves little room for any suspicions and reinforces the actions of the performer.

These are trying times for magicians as we continue to struggle between education and exposure of magic. The line is truly fine - how does one justify oneself in either case? I'm not here to debate that issue, but it has seen the rise of a crowd of people who have become more savvy and wise to the art. One of the fundamental moves that have been under close scrutiny and under fire has been the ever venerable double lift. It's like an open secret now to laymen. A few of my magician friends have even gone so far as to swear off any effects that require its use, citing examples of how they have been called on its use by the ever 'witty' teenage upstart with a chip on his shoulder: closet magicians who are better at ruining tricks simply by existing than actually performing them. I can empathise with them - it's a tough crowd out there.

However, that simply means that we need to refine the methods and tools of our trade. We have to find ways and means to combat that ever increasing 'educated' crowd; being upset over it does nothing to solve the problem. Education works both ways - I believe while the crowd out there is being educated on how magic is done, we too, need to continue to further our education that differentiate the initiate from the master. Depth and breadth of knowledge are both equally important. We shouldn't discard a tool simply because it's weakness is exposure especially since it is a staple tool of the trade. We can deploy them in the best way possible through the understanding of the psychology of human behaviour and refinement of our own methods and skills.

I've found that convincers are especially effective in placating skeptical/semi-educated (in magic) audiences. By the time they realise that the move could have been used, they are too far gone to backtrack to it absolutely. Convincers allow us to put distance - either physical or temporal - between the method and the effect (read Designing Miracles by Darwin Ortiz if you have no idea what I'm talking about there... believe me it'll be the best $80 you spent in your magic career!). This makes for very strong magic indeed. ;P
The double lift convincer I've shared is one that has worked great for me, but you do need to be able to perform a pushoff double.
It is available at:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Adventist Home for the Elderly - 21 Feb 2010

Image0013A group of volunteers from a local law firm took it upon themselves to bring some Lunar New Year festive joy to the elderly at the Adventist Home (Kim Keat Avenue). They wanted a volunteer magician to help as the collections they took up would go entirely to Adventist Home, so I figured I’d ‘volunteer’ a few students to help them out.

Alistair and Timothy were more than generous with their time and effort – as always. They agreed to help without a moments’ hesitation when they heard about the event. Initially I was concerned that this period of time was quite tough for them to make such commitments – being the Lunar New Year and all – but they were really gracious and even skipped some Sunday classes at Church to be a part of this event.


You can see to the left Allie wowing the crowd with his ropes.





Timothy making a huge impression in the picture!




Also joining us for the first time, a few new faces – young urchins so fresh they almost reek of milk. :) Linus, Jon, Trevor and Chee Wan really held themselves well despite their inexperience.


In the picture, you see Chee Wan (LEFT) and Jon (RIGHT) both in white and wearing ties working the crowd.





Linus strutting his stuff.







Trevor (wearing the tie) amusing the audience with his dazzling personality.




For a first time out, I’d say they did a great job!

Performance Photos