Deal yourself in!

The card table beckons - buy in; sit pat; the next deal's about to begin.

The money's just a way of keeping score. The thrill is in making the hazard; beating the odds - nay: making the odds! The accomplished mechanic laughs in the face of lady luck - he makes his own luck; he controls the game.

A professional gambler never gambles.

Welcome to my world.

Do drop me an email or message if you wish to get in touch!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Henderson Children's Centre Christmas Show 07

A group of us decided to make Christmas special for a group of under-privileged children from the Henderson's Children Centre this year on the 14th December at the Henderson Community Club. Working with the Raffles Junior College Interact Club, we took magic to these children - some of whom come from low income households; single parent homes; special needs cases; and some of whom whose parent are serving time.

I was running around snapping photos - there were 7 performers: Jasper, Delvin, Timothy, Gordon, Adrian, Jonathan and Zian. They really made this a VERY special Christmas for the children. I hope we can do more of such events in the near future.

Check out the photos below (sorted by performers):


Adrian doing his thing with his vending machine

Impressing some babes

Zian (Adrian's TWIN - almost):

A worm's eye view

Zian impresses with Sponge balls. Red. Sponge. Balls.

Coins across!

Timothy and Jasper - Tim's supposed to partner the relatively inexperienced Jasper (he's not friendly):

Jasper showing off

Timothy going the distance... and...

Timothy BLOWS his audiences away time after time!

Jonathan Low (Or, more commonly known as J-LOW!):

A close up vanish of a silk!

Jon does origami?


Worm's Eye view of Delvin doing some serious card work...

Delvin looking like a devil with his RED eyes... click for a larger view to see what I mean... scary man!


STUN MAN at it!

Gordon does a BIG show for the RJC people...

After the show, we retired to a nice cool spot at Geylang (not what you think) for a great dinner - Zian's idea really - of CHILLI CRAB! Check out the photos of the meal:

Jlow watches something in the distance as he decides if he wants more food

Jasper ducks behind Jlow as Delvin takes a mouthful of crab; Timothy watches on in disgust at how much these young upstarts simply gorge themselves on food.

Adrian looks very very weird here... I wonder what's going through his mind? LOL

Zian looking VERY Pissed - somebody took the last piece of bun that was supposed to go with the chilli crab gravy. *COUGH* JASPER *COUGH*

Delvin reaches for more food!

Check out HOT Gordon. REALLY HOT.

Zian choking on his own smoke! ROFL!

Well, thanks to everyone who came for this one - you guys made a difference!

For MORE photos (in hi-res), click here.

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Performance Photos